Home Practice for Ballet Prep and Ballet Mode students. Students from these classes have been working on dances this term inspired by the film Frozen. All children from both classes have created an idea that we have incorporated into a choreography. The sheets are in their ballet journals which will help them to remember each others ideas and order. Therefore these can be practised at home with music from David Plumpton which can be accessed on Amazon music. Another exercise which could be fun to practice from home are our “Shoe Shop Skips” children skip to the Wellie Boot shop to practice little jumps in first position to see if boots are waterproof in the puddles, then to the trainer shop where they test to see if they can run fast on the spot in parallel. they then skip to the High Heels shop to practice little walks on tip toe followed by the Ballet Shoe shop where they practice pointing and stretching their feet and legs. Maybe you can see what other ideas you can think of for other shoes like: Ice skates, slippers, football boots…… please post below any new ideas you may have for this so we can share for others to see… I will endeavour to keep posts coming over the weeks so that we can all KEEP DANCING !! Georgie xx