CreateMoveDance run a programme of community dance classes including Creative Ballet and Floor Explorers (a movement class to music for toddlers, pre-schoolers and their grown ups). We also run a programme of dance workshops and residencies in schools and other community settings, which can be tailored to specific requirements. We believe that dance is one of many languages through which children and adults are able to learn and experience the world around them, as well as develop social and personal skills and abilities.
Creative Ballet Classes
Our Creative Ballet classes are fun, developmentally appropriate, interdisciplinary, creative and imaginative. They enable children to experience and enjoy ballet whilst working with trained and experienced teachers. Our classes introduce children to the basics of ballet technique including body alignment and movement fundamentals. We use our own curriculum for all of our dance classes and we do not follow any exam system as we prefer to assess children individually and move them through our program of classes in response to their needs, interests and development. We also use traditional ballet stories and dances as a regular part of our classes to capture the child’s imagination and give them a broad understanding and experience of ballet.
For more information click on this link.
Floor Explorers: Parent & Toddler Movement Sessions
This class is a wonderful opportunity for adults and children to move, learn, be creative and have fun together. Children experience and strengthen basic motor skills and self awareness whilst developing creative learning dispositions that support all areas of learning. Equipment such as balls, parachutes, scarves, fabric, instruments and ribbons are used within the class to stimulate imagination and facilitate movement development. Snacks and drinks are provided after both classes with tea and coffee for the parents/carers.
For more information click on this link.